I am happy to announce that the Archdiocese has given us guidelines for Phase One of a very gradual re-opening of our parish (with appropriate staffing and safety in mind).
For the upcoming week the Church will be open at these times only:
Sunday, May 17 - from – 9:00 am until 1:00 pm (Confessions available Sunday and throughout the week upon request)
Monday thru Saturday – from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm
There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Sundays Only.
Please understand the following (in light of State/National guidelines):
The Church is open exclusively for individual Private Prayer (no group prayer, devotions or Masses)...
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). will be offered during these times. The Sacrament will be celebrated inside the church, in the first pew as you enter the main doors. Please maintain social distancing while waiting!
Face masks must be worn by everyone at all times including for Confession. Unfortunately, no one may enter the church without a face mask - including children.
Please enter/exit only by the parking lot entrance and two main center doors. The doors will be propped open for you.
The church has been cleaned and sanitized by CSS Building Services out of Livingston, NJ. They are my relatives. However, please sanitize your hands as you enter the church. Please consider bringing your own wipes as a courtesy to clean areas where you sit or touch before and after use.
Individuals and families of different households must maintain social distancing (six feet in every direction) while in the church. Please use only marked pews and avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces (statues, pews other than your own, etc.) Please do not leave anything behind: tissues, prayer books, prayer cards, etc.
Please do not bring children who are too young to remain praying in place (i.e. to avoid wandering/touching surfaces)
Anyone who experiences symptoms of Covid-19 or has been exposed to an infected person must not enter the church before completing 14 days quarantine.
Please follow any other instructions that may be posted in Church.
All of the above will be in effect for the first week of Phase One. At the end of that week, depending upon need and upon availability of staff, we will plan a schedule for the following week(s).
One other note for the coming week: While the obligation to participate in Sunday Mass remains lifted, Cardinal Tobin has transferred the celebration of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord from Thursday, May 21 to Sunday, May 24 in order to make it more accessible to more people via live-stream and other media.
At present, we have no information on when Phase Two (weekday public Masses, funerals) or Phase Three (Sunday public Masses, sacraments) might begin, but we will let you know as soon as we hear. Additional information can be found on the Archdiocesan website: What to Expect when Public Mass Resumes.
Masses Meanwhile, we will continue with the on line Mass schedule: Sunday Mass -
Saturdays - 5 pm (English/Italian)
Mass may be viewed after that point forward on….
Note: The Mass intentions are being prayed collectively during this time only. Month of Mary For the month of May, we continue to entrust ourselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here's a little guide to the Rosary to help us pray the Rosary and these two prayers the Holy Father suggests we include at the end during this pandemic .... and our traditional prayers to Mary: the Hail Mary and the Memorare.
Donations Thank you so much to so many of you who have been able to continue your weekly donations! Again please continue as much as your situation allows! Your continued generosity is such a help! (by dropping off, mail, electronic giving or GoFundMe). Thank you!
Let us all continue to pray! I’ll be praying for you; please also pray for me! And together we pray for all who are suffering in any way! May God bless you all as we continue to celebrate this Easter Season!